Hold On To Your Sanity
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When Helping Hurts: Navigating the Strain of Caring for People Who Don’t Want Help
As a caregiver, there’s nothing harder than watching someone you care about spiral while refusing the help you know they need. You see the self-sabotaging patterns, the destructive choices, and the pain they’re causing themselves—and often others. You know, deep down, that you could offer advice, tools, or solutions that might make a difference. But the hard truth is this: you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.
Holding Space: How to Support Without Fixing
Let me start by saying this: not trying to fix people is hard. It’s something I’m still working on, and I’m not always successful. With some people, I’ve gotten better at holding space. But with others—especially those closest to me—I have a tendency to go into full-on “mommy mode.”
Breaking the Stigma: Why Talking About Mental Health Matters
Even today, when we’ve supposedly made progress in understanding mental health, the stigma is alive and well. It’s there in the whispered conversations, the shame-filled glances, and the silence that surrounds the words “depression” and “anxiety.”